How to install?
- It is proposed to set up the CLASSICtherm heating panels on the interior walls of the building.
- aluminium foilAmennyiben a fűtőlapot az ablak alatti, süllyesztett radiátor fűtőtestnek kialakított helyre szereljük, ragasszunk mögé hővisszaverő, alumínium fóliát.
- Do not place the stone panel against window or glass wall.
- Do not cover it and do not put furnitures directly in front of it, because they block the spreading of the heat.
- Install the panels in the lower two third of the room.
- The CLASSICtherm stone panels can be installed also on the wall or if it is desired also on the ceiling.
- The ideal place of the thermostat is the same than in case of other heating systems and it should be placed at least at a distance of one meter from the stone panels.
- The thermostat should be set according to the time of the day, we should change the setting only if we adjust the new temperature for a period longer than four hours.
- For a shorter period only a small change is suggested.
- Clean the stone panels when they are cold using dry wiping cloth.