
Many professionals consider the Trentino porphyry the most beautiful natural stone for the paving of historic city centers, new squars, meeting places in towns and districts, houses, parks, and gardens.

Resistance, versality, elegance and practicability: Trentino Porphyry offers architechts and designers the possibility of giving full expression to their imagination and of attaining impressing solutions which are able to satisfy even the most specific requirements.

Trentino Porphyry is a extrusive igneous rock, formed in the Lower Permian age. It is proved to be one of the most weather-resistant and durable rocks, especially suitable for external paving and walling. It retains its physical characteristics as well as its appearance, not altering with time.

The use of porphyry for interior design could enhance the character of offices, shops, or living rooms.

The colours and their shades are one of the characterising features of Trentino porphyry. They varying from grey to purple and red mix in always new textures/patterns/drawings created by nature and by time.

Thanks to its exceptional physical characteristics and a high aesthetic effect, Trentino Porphyry has proven suitable for a vast range of applications like large surfaces in commercial and public contexts, new building projects, as well as restoration jobs, private or public areas, offering innovative and refined solutions by using cubes, flags or a mixture of products.

Porphyryy is extremly durable over the time and maintains its non-slip characteristics under adverse weather conditions.

The ITALPORPHYRY quality means a selected and certified quality product. The material is authentic porphyry from Trentino, extracted exclusivly from Trentino quarries under a high quality and production controll.



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