About us

BN Stone Kft (formerly called BNIC Gmbh) is committed to provide ecological solutions for constuction of buildings and public spaces by offering high quality natural stone materials, stone adhesives and grouts and also innovativ electric heating system for both public and privat clients.


Our partners in Germany, Italy, Spain and in the Netherlands are traditional mining and natural stone (limestone, granite, sandstone, porphyry, quartzite, marble, etc) companies. Thanks to our exclusive distribution agreements we are able to offer our product range with favourable prices and efficient service conditions on the Hungarian market.

Our main product groups are:

  • Natural stone coverings
  • Natural stone adhesives, mortars, grouts and other auxiliary materials
  • Ceramic tiles, quartz and marble engineered stones
  • Infra-red stone heating panels

Our unique product is the CLASSICtherm electric infra-red heating system, what we can completly install upon request.

The samples of our products can be viewed in our showroom by prior appointment. 


Our special and unique products


Solnhofen limestone 

The Solnhofen Stone Group is a coalition of renowned natural stone and mining companies in the Altmuehltal Nature Park. With their own quarries in the region of Solnhofen and over 150 yers experience they have the know-how and competency to be a specialist of complex projects with higth-tec demands. In that region, Solnhofen limestone has been mined and used as building material since hundred of years thanks to its high aesthetic and quality value and distinctive appearance. In Hungary it has been known as 'Kelheim stone' since 300 years.

Anröchte blue-green limestone 

The family-run company was founded in 1845 in Anröchte, Germany, where the typical blue-greenish limestone has been mined since hundred of years. In addition to the local Anröchte limestone, in the last decades the company's profile has expanded with a wide range of natural stones from all around the world. Anröchte limestone has a unique characteristic and match perfectly with limestones of different colours.

Trentino porphyry 

The group of companies Italporphyry – CIPT (Consorzio Italiano Porfido del Trentino – Italian Porphyry Consortium of Trentino) was founded in the region of Trentino, where the typical and world-famous porphyry stone of Trentino has been mined. As one of the most weather-resistant and durable rocks, it is especially suitable for external paving and walling. Its elegance, the colours varying from grey to purple, the variety of the shades and the extra durability make Trentino porphyry a perfect choice for the paving of historic city centers, modern squares, parks and gardens or terraces. 

Beige spanish sandstone 

The typical sandstone with cream, beige and red shades is extracted in the mountainous region of Burgos, Spain. High tech processing of the selected slabs can guarantee the aesthetic and material quality of the product range. Perfectly suitable for facade constructions or walling. The varying shades and the visible series of sediment levels make the appearance of this stone unique.

Alta quartzite 

 Alta Skiferbrudd, established in 1933, is the main producer of Alta quartzite, a natural building material, quarried in the mountains surrounding the Alta Fjord in Norway, far north in the polar circle. Alta Quartzite has a pleasant grey-green appearance and a natural soft luster. As one of the hardest natural stones on Earth, its unique physical properties make Alta quartzite suitable for the most demanding coverings.

Gräfix natural stone adhesives 

 Wolfgand Endress Gmbh, based in Gräfenberg, Germany, has been operating since 1930, when opened its first quarry in Gräfenberg (North Bavaria). The profile of the company has been expanding since the 1960s with various types of pflastering materials, adhesives, grouts and special mortar products. Today, it offers the widest range of materials, used in all kind of flooring and walling construction projects worldwide under the brand name Gräfix. Experience, competency and continuous laboratory work can guarantee the high standards in the product quality.


CLASSICtherm electric infra-red heating system 

Infra-red heating in a natural stone panel, which merges the modern technology with the aesthetic appearance and outstanding heat transfer capacity of the natural stones. That heating solution can not be compared to the other electric heating systems, because its heat transfer capacity and unique appearance are defined by the material and structure of natural stones.